Talking about slavery through a lens of resistance

by guest blogger Kesa Kivel  Never Give Up! Ama’s Journey to Freedom on the Underground is a free, coming-of-age historical fiction film set in the 1850s. The film provides excellent, well-researched content on slavery in the United States as well…

“Slavery was a long time ago;” An awkward moment at the grocery store

“Slavery was a long time ago;” An awkward moment at the grocery store

by guest blogger Sara Leo My daughter turned four a few months ago and we have recently begun talking about this country’s racial history in more specific terms. We have been using the book “Heart and Soul: The Story of…

Teaching resistance on the eve of the inauguration

by Lori Taliaferro Riddick The day after the election, my seven-year-old told his class that we were moving out of the country. Now, on the eve of the inauguration, he continues to have a lot of fear and anxiety about…

Raising children who sparkle: Gender, patriarchy and interrupting Shame

Raising children who sparkle: Gender, patriarchy and interrupting Shame

by guest blogger Jardana Peacock What if our children were allowed to be who they really are? In Nina Benedetto’s book. About Chris, a children’s book that re-tells the true story of a pre-school transgender boy, Benedetto asks readers to…

Sharing the Injustice Boycott and Daily Action with my daughter in 2017

Sharing the Injustice Boycott and Daily Action with my daughter in 2017

by Sachi Feris Since the conversation with my daughter the day after the election, I have found inspiration as an individual and as a parent by participating in the Injustice Boycott and Daily Action. Injustice Boycott describes itself as “relentless, principled, organized…